Well, the holidays have come and gone. As much as I love that time of year, I’m kind of glad to be back in a routine, not just stuffing my face with 10 zillion cookies and indulging in a few too many holiday treats. We had a great trip up North! It’s been foreverrr since…
Stove-Top Tamale Pie
Is anyone else ready to start listening to Christmas music, or is it just me? I don’t know if it’s because it’s been so chilly lately, or because I’ve gotten about 50 catalogs in the mail in the last few days, or because I’ve officially switched from pumpkin spice to peppermint mocha coffee… but I…
Southwestern Chili Con Queso Pasta Bake
This past weekend marked a very important milestone of 2012: the end of wedding season! Any of you who know me personally, or have at least been readers for a while, know that I have had a year full of wedding bliss (and craziness). Not only did I attend 5 weddings in 2012, but I…
Pakistani Kima (Beef or Venison Curry)
I promised you lots of ground deer/beef recipes so here’s my first to kick things off! Nick’s first deer filled up our freezer, yielding about 12 steaks and maybe 30ish lbs of ground meat. That’s a lot of meat. If you’ve been reading for a while, you know I’m no newbie to cooking with game…
Mini Cheeseburger Pies
Two nights ago, Nick killed his first deer of the season! I’ll spare you the photo, though it was actually kind of a weird combination of cute and disgusting. Though I didn’t really enjoy the blood and chunks of… who knows what… all over my carport, I’m sure I won’t be complaining when I have…
Chile Rellenos Casserole
I’ve mentioed Nick’s love of chile rellenos before, and even made them at home for him! They came out great, but they’re definitely not an easy weeknight dinner. Nick’s aunt thought of us and sent me this recipe for Chile Rellenos Casserole. All the same flavors, but a whole lot less work! A few days…
Bacon Cheeseburger Meatballs
Imagine all of the delectable parts of a bacon cheeseburger– juicy beef, salty bacon, sharp cheddar, sweet caramelized onions– all rolled up into one delicious little bite-sized ball from heaven. Guess what… they do exist! This is all Nick’s fault. Well, partly. A couple months ago, our commissary had a case-lot sale. For those of…
Carne Asada
This Carne Asada steak is marinated overnight in the most delicious and flavorful marinade including lime juice, cilantro and jalapeño. It’s perfect for tacos, burrito bowls, or just eating on its own. Back before I started the blog, Nick used to cook for me pretty frequently. There are two things he always made that really…