Bear with me a moment, I’m about to get a little Southern on you all. I can’t help it. I’ve been here too long. Okra and black eyed peas… two foods I don’t think I ever had until I moved to the South, but now I love them both. This weekend we went to a…
Honey Mustard Chicken Salad
I really hate wasting food. I’m a proud member of the Clean Plate Club, a huge advocate of the freezer (my former roommate, Laura, was utterly amazed at some of the foods I deemed freeze-and-reheat-able), and I’ve been known to do some pretty interesting things with leftovers. Butternut squash oatmeal, anyone? Hey, it worked. Luckily,…
Cherry Chickpea Quinoa Salad
Last week, I made a very healthy Kumquat Quinoa Salad. Nick loved the salad, but wasn’t a huge fan of the kumquats, so I thought I’d like to try the salad again using dried cherries instead. This weekend I got the chance to do just that. Nick’s dad was here visiting for the weekend. He…
Asian Coleslaw
Most days, I eat a packed lunch, sitting at my desk at work. Which is totally fine with me, because I make pretty phenomenal lunches, and until recently, it’s been too cold for me to venture outside the building. It is nice to get out every once in a while, though. A couple weeks ago,…
Kumquat Quinoa Salad
When most people make check-out line impulse purchases, it’s usually something along the lines of a candy bar, a cool new type of gum, a bottle of wine on the end cap at Target…. what? Who does THAT? When Nick makes a check-out line impulse purchase, it’s kumquats. Yep, you heard that right. This past…
{Weekend detox} Salmon Nicoise Salad
This past weekend included lots of fun and LOTS of junkfood. Friday night we went to Nick’s favorite place, Buffalo Wild Wings, for beer & wings, and followed that up with ice cream on the way home. Saturday’s Mardi Gras activities included snacks, drinks, cookies, corndogs and late night Mexican & sushi. Sunday we snuck…