I really love baking. Ever since I started the blog, I’ve been stockpiling a list of cute and delicious looking recipes for baked goods. Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten around to many of them because for some reason, we’ve had an abundance of sweets in the house lately. Between the Valentine’s snack mix, king cake cookies, and massive amounts of chocolate several different family members have sent us recently, we haven’t had any shortage of desserts. Is it bad if you need to go on a post-Valentine’s Day diet, as if it were Christmas?
We certainly didn’t need any more sugar, but I still wanted to bake something. We always have some variety of Wheat Thins around the house, so I got to wondering if I could make my own crackers. Turns out, I can! And they’re MUCH tastier than Wheat Thins. And better for you! And more economical! Perfect for a cheap thrifty health nut like me. They’re like expensive all-natural crackers from Whole Foods, for pennies!
Just be careful… these are so good, they’re kind of like crack… hence my new name for them:
Rosemary Olive Oil Wheat CRACKers
- 1 c all purpose flour
- 1 c whole wheat flour
- 2.5 tsp dried rosemary
- 1 tsp salt, plus more to sprinkle
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 1/2 cup warm water
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees and assemble your ingredients.
Mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl.
Add the wet ingredients and mix well. Try not to drool into the bowl when the rosemary and olive oil scents start wafting up to you.
Once the ingredients are mixed, knead the dough for a few minutes. If it’s too sticky to form a ball, add a little more flour.
Form the dough into a ball and let it rest for 5 minutes.
Cut the dough in half, and roll each half out onto a piece of parchment paper fitted to a baking sheet. Our rolling pin is yet another kitchen tool lost somewhere in our “storage” room, so I used a wine bottle. I guess I didn’t anticipate starting a food blog and cooking up a storm when I failed to unpack half our kitchen. Anyhow, even if you have to use a wine bottle, roll the dough out to about 1/16″.
With a pizza cutter, cut the dough into cracker-sized squares. They won’t be perfect, but who cares? They’re homemade!
Sprinkle some more salt on top, and bake for 15-20 mins, checking them often so they dont burn.
Feed them to the hungry masses.
The crackers were a success, Nick really liked them!
Nick: “They taste just like Wheat Thins.”
Jess: “Yeah, they’re supposed to.”
Nick: “Then what’s the point?”
As I start listing off the reasons (healthier, cheaper), I’m getting a weird look.
Turns out, the whole time I was toiling away in the kitchen, Nick thought I was crushing up the Wheat Thins we already had, adding rosemary, and re-baking them. WHAT??? He’s funny sometimes.
What would you rather have in your crackers? Flour, olive oil, rosemary and salt? Or monoglycerides and soy lechithin wrapped up in a pacakage treated with butylated hydroxytoluene?
Choosy Beggar Tina says
So glad that you liked these crackers!! We had exactly the same response….so far, we haven’t managed to make them once and not finish off the entire batch on the first night. Mind you, that likely speaks more to my gluttony than the crackers, but such is life.
Thanks for trying out the recipe and so glad that you enjoyed them!!!!
Jaki says
omg yes! i am probably gonna go to the store right now to make these… they look uhhhh-mazing!
littleyellowkitchen says
These look so good! This is the perfect snack to take to work to munch on throughout the day.
YUM! Thanks for sharing =)
Joanne says
Wow… Who makes crackers.. who knew.. Those probably package up nicely for mailing to family and friends.
Jaki says
ummmm…holy crap yum!!! Just made them and they’re almost gone… well done
In Katrina's Kitchen says
Ha ha! Men! Sheesh!
Great job! I made crackers this week too! yum! Isn’t it so satisfying to know that a few simple ingerdients can come together to make something so very delicious?! Great post! – Katrina