So it’s been over a month since we planted our garden, and MAN has it grown.
First up? Our tomatoes! We planted 5 little tomato plants. You may remember, they looked like this:
How about now? Check it out!
The tomatoes are out of control! I actually need to do some serious pruning on some of them, otherwise I’ll never be able to get through the vines to all of the tomatoes. There are lots of green tomatoes growing, but nothing has turned red yet.
At the end of this planter, I had planted a supposed yellow squash plant. Well, the plant grew huge.
And much to my surprise, the store must have mislabeled the plant– it’s a patty pan squash plant!
My second planter is full of peppers. The peppers don’t seem to be growing that well, however, I do have 2 kinda sad looking jalapenos almost ready to pick, so hopefully more will come! We’ve had a ton of wind in the last month and I don’t think the pepper plants have liked it too much.
I also have a zucchini and a yellow squash in this planter, and they both have little squashes growing already.
My planter of lettuce and herbs is not doing so hot. We ate lots of lettuce this month, but lettuce is a cooler weather veggie so it’s getting to the end of it’s season. I’m not sure why the herbs aren’t doing well. My basil got real woody, yellowish, and stopped producing big leaves. My green onions and chives don’t seem to be growing at all. And something is eating my sage. I also added parsley to this planter, and it seems to be doing OK for now. Any ideas why my herbs are failing? I started some new basil from seed, so I’ll replace the woody stuff once it grows. I also put some rosemary in the tomato planter and it seems to be doing really well.
I’m glad I planted my mint in a separate pot because, as expected, it’s going nuts. And this is after a few weekends of mint juleps!
The planter we planted with green bean and okra seeds is doing great. The plants are huge and I already have skinny beans and tiny okras.
The planter with cucumbers and eggplants, on the other hand, didn’t do so well. Only a couple of eat plants sprouted, and they are still tiny and sad looking. I ended up buying 3 cucumber seedlings and one eggplant, and putting them in the planter. They’re definitely doing better than the ones we started from seed.
The last planter had butternut squash and watermelon. Only 2 butternuts sprouted and they don’t look that great yet. The watermelons, on the other hand, seem to be going strong– but no fruit yet.
Hopefully I’ll have a bountiful harvest and more to report soon. In the meantime, any advice? We’ve always been really successful with tomatoes, but I don’t know much about growing anything else!
I think if you take the “suckers” off, it helps. They grow in between the stems that look like a “fork in the road”.
It looks like most of your plants are thriving! I can’t wait to see some of your own veggies and herbs making their way into your cooking!
We cooked our first 2 squashes last night! Can’t wait til I have enough to make recipes out of them 🙂